Aetherweave is the cornerstone of modern civilization, a revolutionary technology that has transformed the world in a remarkably short time. At its heart lies Aether, an invisible energy that permeates all things. While imperceptible to most, this potent force can be harnessed and manipulated through the use of Aetherium, a rare and precious material.

Aetherium, typically found in deep caverns and within certain mountain ranges, is incredibly strong and lightweight. Skilled artisans weave Aetherium into intricate patterns, creating a vast array of devices that harness the power of Aether. These Aetherweave devices have revolutionized nearly every aspect of life:

  • Illumination: Aetherweave lamps provide a soft, warm glow, eliminating the need for smoky torches and flickering candles.
  • Industry: Aetherweave engines power factories and workshops, increasing productivity and reducing reliance on manual labor.
  • Communication: Telegraph lines and early forms of long-distance communication utilize Aetherweave to transmit messages swiftly and reliably.
  • Medicine: Aetherweave-powered devices aid in healing, sterilization, and even the development of rudimentary prosthetics.
  • Transportation: Faster-than-horse carriages and even early forms of airship technology utilize Aetherweave engines, enabling rapid travel across vast distances.
  • Agriculture: Aetherweave can be used to enhance crop growth, improve soil fertility, and protect against pests.

The Aetherborn

The Sunborn

  • Location: Primarily in isolated desert communities and hidden oases. Some may have integrated into larger cities as scholars or artists.
  • Known: Mostly as legends or folk tales. Some may be known for their unique artistic styles or their deep understanding of natural cycles.
  • Goals: To rediscover the ancient knowledge of their ancestors and find a way to harness the power of the sun safely and sustainably.

The Moonwhisperers

  • Location: Coastal regions, remote islands, and areas with strong lunar influences. Some may reside in secluded monasteries or hidden coves.
  • Known: To some as mystics, seers, or even witches. Their abilities may be feared or revered depending on local beliefs.
  • Goals: To maintain harmony with the natural cycles of the moon and protect the delicate balance of the tides and the seas.

The Stonebinders

  • Location: Hidden within ancient ruins, deep within mines, or in isolated workshops. Some may operate in secret societies within major cities.
  • Known: To some as secretive inventors, alchemists, or even rogue engineers. Their inventions may be both admired and feared.
  • Goals: To rediscover the lost knowledge of their ancestors, focusing on safe and responsible applications of Aetherium technology. They may seek to guide the world towards a more sustainable and harmonious future.

The Shadowborn AKA The Damned

  • Location: Hidden in the shadows of major cities, operating as secret societies, guilds, or even criminal organizations. Some may reside in remote, inhospitable regions.
  • Known: To some as shadowy figures, spies, or even assassins. Their motives are often shrouded in mystery.
  • Goals: To protect the world from the potential dangers of unchecked Aetheric technology. Their methods may range from peaceful observation to active intervention, depending on the group.

The Aetheric Lens

A device that allows the user to see the flow of Aether, not just in themselves or in objects, but in the very fabric of reality. This would be incredibly valuable for:

  • Aetheric Engineers: To optimize their designs, identify weaknesses in their creations, and even predict potential malfunctions.
  • Explorers: To navigate treacherous terrain, locate hidden Aetheric nodes, and even find lost civilizations or hidden treasures.
  • Aetherborn: To understand their own abilities better, control their powers more precisely, and even communicate with other Aetherborn across vast distances.

When a party member attunes to the Aetheric Lens, they gain the ability to cast the Detect Magic spell once per long rest. Additionally, while attuned, the party gains advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to notice hidden objects, creatures, or traps concealed by magical means.

  • Crystal Lens
  • Outer Casing
  • Small Blue Stone