Before Session 0
Make Your Characters
In the wiki is an Empty Character Sheet.pdf here
Everyone needs to make their DnD character at level 3! We are using the new DnD 2024 rules, which can be found on
Tip: Use Google to find places to start (i.e. what is the best race for Cleric? - what are the best level 1 spells for Druid?)
Tip 2: Want to play Ranger? HA! DON’T!!* They suck ASS. Play fighter and just choose stuff to make you a ranger (unless you have a very specific Ranger build you want to play, ask me so I can help out)
Important Goes On Sheet Somewhere
Steps To Do That
- Choose your Class
- Normally here, you also choose your subclass to complete your character “vibe”
- You will also get your hit die, which you have 3 of (i.e. 3d6 or 3d8 or 3d10 or 3d12)
- You will also get your skill proficiencies, which you will fill in the bubble next to the ones you choose
- You finally get your tool and language proficiencies, which can go somewhere on your sheet on your front page
- Get both equipment options (i.e. the equipment and the gold) and add them to your sheet
- Write down your Class and Subclass traits on your back page, and your spellcasting ability if you have one (i.e. Cha)
- this also includes things like Channel divinity, fighting styles, and all other skills in your class at/under level 3 except spells
- Fill out your Saving Throw Proficiencies above your skill proficiencies (fill the bubble)
- Choose your Species
- Here you get your speed and size, as well as species traits to use
- I do allow custom/separate species as long as you check with me first!
- Choose your Background
- Here you get your ability score increases. put 2 in 1 of the options and 1 in another option and note those next to those scores on your front page
- You also get 2 proficiencies and some equipment (take the gold value)
- For the feat, you will not choose this. instead, you will choose a beginner feat in the beginner feats section. (This will come later, don’t do this now)
- Roll 4d6 and add the highest 3 values. Do this 6 times until you have 6 numbers ranging from 3-18.
- Any total 6 or lower reroll - that’s too low
- Take your rolls and assign them to your stats. Put these numbers in the small bubble below the big box.
- Add your ability score increases from when you chose your background to the 7-18 number in the bubble.
- In the big box, but the following modifier depending on your bubble number
7 | 8-9 | 10-11 | 12-13 | 14-15 | 16-17 | 18-19 | 20 |
-2 | -1 | 0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 |
- Set Some Other Stats
- HP: Take your hit die and roll 2 of them (ex. 2d8…) and then add your big number (i.e. 8). Then, add 3x your Con Modifier (+2)
- ex. Monk ⇒ 2d8 + 8 ⇒ 9 + 8 = 17 + 3 x (+2) = 17 + 6 = 23
- Initiative: This is your Dex modifier (i.e. +2)
- Proficiency Bonus: +2
- Skills: In each of your skill spots, put the corresponding ability modifier in (ex. Acrobatics → Strength, so your score is your Str mod, like +1)
- If you filled a dot next to the skill, add +2
- Saving Throws: Same process as Skills above, but for the actual abilities
Next: Do the section for your class if it is listed
Note: If you Are Cleric, do the Spellcasting only and Melee only Note 2: For all spellcasters, you spells chosen to learn must be from your class’s spell list and a level you can cast.
6a. Melee Only! - Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Rogue, Cleric, Paladin
- Go straight to buying equipment - make sure to focus on armor and melee weapons
- Make sure you can wear that armor/wield that shield based on your class
6b. Spellcasting Only! - Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Cleric
- Fill out your spellcasting abilities and modifiers
- Spell Attack Bonus = Spellcasting Ability Modifier + 2 (Likely +5-7)
- Spell Save DC = Spell Attack Bonus + 8
- Choose Your Spells
- For all but Warlock: 3 Cantrips, 4 1st Level, 2 2nd Level
- For all but Warlock: These are also your number of spell slots for each level
- For Warlock: 4 total spells
- For Warlock: You have 2 total spell slots to use on any of these
- Write your cantrips in your attacks section on your first page (and other attacking spells if you prefer)
6c. Half-Casters - Ranger, Paladin
- Fill out your spellcasting abilities and modifiers
- Spell Attack Bonus = Spellcasting Ability Modifier + 2 (Likely +5-7)
- Spell Save DC = Spell Attack Bonus + 8
- Choose Your Spells
- 4 total spells
- Your spell slots are 3 1st Level
- Write your cantrips in your attacks section on your first page (and other attacking spells if you prefer)
- Choose Your Feats
- You will choose 1 origin feat and 1 general feat!
- These generally round out your character and help you focus more on your character’s design - allowing you to do more advanced things
- I will allow other feats from older versions if you ask me! Depends on the feat but generally yes
- Equipment
- This will include melee weapons for melee attackers, shields, armor, and general equipment (torches, rope…)
- Be Creative
- Come up with some cool unique features of your character/how they look. If you need a magical item or 2 for fun, just ask. I will also make class changes or race changes to allow for fun/creative characters. I once had a magical weed pipe my character always smoked → fun and not real in-game use
- FLAVOR IS FREE - Have fun with it! I will allow small changes to characters to fit a theme more or a character you want. I once made a spellcaster robot who casted spells by creating water balloon-like balls and launching them out of his forearm (instead of using a staff or wand). This was fun and gave me no real benefit in game, but made the character unique.
- Write your backstory!
- Be specific/detailed! I need to know where you came from and what your goals are. There more you write, the better the campaign will be.
- For your purpose, write down how they act and their mannerisms as well. This will help you create a more “normal” character that is more polished and fun to play/act
- Generate a picture of your character
- I used Google Gemini, which now allows you to make photos when you ask it to
- “I am creating an anime character and I need you to generate an image of him. He is an elf monk who wears a beige robe with wrapped knuckles. The robe he wears is tattered, with small blood stains and dirt stains. He has no hair, and green eyes. This is NOT a human, but rather an anime character” (example)
Send To Me
- Your character sheet
- Your character’s background
- Your character’s image
- Any hidden things you want me to know about your character that the group shouldn’t know
Other Stuff
- Make sure you have dice/find a set online
- Set a solid place you can play on Discord with good Wi-Fi and freedom to talk
- Read the rest of the wiki! You can skim the history but know what’s going on