
Name: Tua

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 495 lbs

Age: 21

Class: Monk 8

Subclass: Way of Mercy

Race/Species: Tortle

Background: Traveler

Tua sucks at names and will always get them wrong (whether on purpose or not)


Tatang is a baby Green Wyvern that is loyal to Tua

Tatang can make Bite and Sting attacks as an action on their turn He can also communicate simple telepathically with Tua


Fey Touched
  • Misty Step
  • Hex


Tua comes from a monk monastery deep in The Bleaks. At 21, he left the monastery to search for something greater - pure power.


  • Become the strongest monk of all time
  • Make massive amounts of money

Magic Items

Cloak of Elvenkind
  • Dis. on Perception checks against you
  • Adv. on Stealth checks
  • Action to pull hood up & down
Eldritch Tattoo
  • For 1 min, 15ft melee range & +1d6 force dmg
  • 1/LR