Name: Korruk
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 235 lbs
Age: 18
Class: Paladin 4
Subclass: Oath of Vengeance
Race/Species: Half-Orc
Background: Soldier
Savage Attacker
Great Weapon Master
Korruk was once a soldier in platoon 59 of or the Lord’s Army faction. He achieved high honors for his skill on the battlefield and courage to lead charges into battle. One night after a great victory, a fellow soldier, who was really an undercover enemy spy, murdered the rest of the platoon in their sleep, and Korruck awoke find dozens of his brethren slaughtered. He hunted down this traitor and took his head, only to feel a surge of power. Vengeance seeking gave him a sense of purpose he had never felt before. Korruk knew that with his platoon gone, he needed a mission to carry on in his path of solitude. He took on the path of a Paladin and swore an oath of vengeance.
He has since been on mission, seeking out those who have chosen the path of evil, and having no mercy on them. Korruk is quick to rush into battle against foes, particularly those who he deems as evil. He is cordial with his allies, and values honesty and loyalty.
Magic Items
- Smoldering Armor - Armor/robe just smokes (broodingly)
- Boots of Elvenkind - Your steps have no sound. Adv on stealth to move silently
- Periapt of Wound Closure - You can’t fail death throws & double HP regain on hit die (pendant)