How To Play


In real time, each DnD round is 6 total seconds. So, all turns are happening ā€œat the same timeā€

On your turn, you get 1 of each of the following -

ActionBonus ActionMovement
This is your main action every turn. Mostly, it is used for attacks and spells, but can also be used to interact with objects or peopleThis is a secondary action on your turn, used for more specific spells and class abilitiesEvery turn, you can move up to your speed. Each square is 5ft, and diagonals are 7.5ft, rounded down to the nearest 5

Additionally, each round, you get 1 Reaction, which is mostly used for an opportunity attack or casting spells like shield

You do not need to use all of these every round, and some effects can take these away or add more (i.e. the Slow spell cuts your speed in half)

DnD Rules

How Money Works

Money is all in a line as 10x the lower one 1 Platinum (PP) = 10 Gold (GP) = 100 Silver (SP) = 1000 Copper (CP)

  • We do NOT use Ethereum (EP), as this currency is GARBAGE

DnD Notation

Every ability/skill has a shortened version ex. Con = Constitution, Ath = Athletics, etc

When you see something like 2d8, this means roll 2 d8 die When you see 6d6, you roll a d6 6 times and add them

What Isā€¦

Ability Modifier? - The + or - number with an ability

  • i.e. your Wisdom is 16, which means your Wis score is 16 and your Modifier is +3

Proficiency Bonus? - A general + that goes with your level, likely +2 or +3 (goes to +3 at lvl 5)

Saving Throw? - A modifier that goes on top of d20 rolls when asked for it (generally a spell or effect against you)

  • This is in the top left section of your front page sheet (split by ability)

Hit Die? - This die is tied to your HP and your class. It should be 1d6 to 1d12.

Multiclassing? - This is when you decide to take a level in another class instead of your main class.

  • Why? - Sometimes, other classes have abilities you want. This is common in high-meta builds
  • Level 5 character could be 4 levels monk and 1 level fighter